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I. Challenges

Following the construction of the new hospital, several changes needed to be made in parking management.

The parking was not fully optimized.

Jean Titeca’s staff had different work schedules, which led to a complex situation in parking management. Some employees were not able to access the parking even though there were available spaces inside.

Need for more parking spots for its staff

Jean Titeca’s staff had different work schedules, which led to a complex situation in parking management. Some employees were not able to access the parking even though there were available spaces inside.

Several parking spots remained empty at night and on weekends.

There was less of a need for parking at night and on weekends in the hospital center, so some spots were under utilized during this time.

II. Solutions

Parking management optimization

Given the fact that Jean Titeca’s staff had different work schedules, the fleet manager was able to use BePark’s Platform to directly assign parking spots online based on the real-time reporting of parking usage and the staff’s parking needs.

The staff also had the possibility to book or release a parking spot based on their work schedule. The occupancy rate of the parking was thus increased, ensuring maximal usage of the parking.

Parking Rental

After ensuring a maximal occupancy rate of Jean Titeca’s parking lot thanks to BePark’s platform, the hospital center was still in need of additional parking spaces.

To make sure each of Jean Titeca’s staff had a spot to park during the construction of the new center, BePark quickly opened a private parking garage on Chaussée de Louvain 550.

45 indoor and secure parking spaces were provided, and they were only 350 meters away from the hospital center.

All the staff had a good parking experience and no longer needed to drive around every morning to park their vehicle.

Increase of Parking Revenue

As the hospital had less staff coming in at night and during the weekend, there were 16 underutilized parking spots during this time.

Thanks to BePark, the parking spots were rented out to people in the vicinity looking for a place to park their car, improving the parking experience for the neighborhood.

The hospital also generated a revenue stream by renting out those underused parking spots, which could be used to cover the existing parking costs.

III. Results

The staff of the hospital center no longer needed to worry about finding a parking spot. As the parking was now fully optimized, the parking costs had also been reduced.

  • Those 16 initially underutilised spots generated upwards of €17.000
  • Access to the parking was made a lot smoother by dematerializing it
  • Time spent for staff to find a space and for fleet managers to manage the parking was both greatly reduced

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Parking lots